I wanted to write and say thank you for all of your help in getting my licence. At 25, and after having my Ls for over 3 years, I never thought I would actually ever get my P’s! Even after 50 hours of professional lessons with another school, I was still nervous and terrified of driving! You taught me so many things about being a safe driver, and now I am not scared anymore. I am confident because you have taught me all of the things I need to know to stay safe on the road. I know that I will not cause an accident, and I know what to do to avoid an accident caused by another driver.
Even though I didn’t really believe you when you said I was ready for my test, I trusted you and went for it today. I shouldn’t have even bothered getting nervous, because just as you said I would, I PASSED!! The only downside now is that I will miss our Saturday morning lessons!
Thank you so much for believing in me and convincing me to believe in myself. You truly are a godsend!
Hopefully I will see you around! Drive safely – I know I will!